Knob Objects: Knobjects

4 minute read Published: 2024-09-10

A couple screenshots of some knobs I made in Blender, discussing ideas about the game I want to develop one day, and some more updates about the site.

Banner image showing the 3 levels of detail I've made for these knobs.

Image showing the textured model of a 3-lobed control knob.

Image showing the wireframe of the same knob.


Did some more work on the site this morning, learning more about how it actually works. I'm not the most knowledgeable on the inner workings of Zola, but I guess that's the nice thing about it being all open source stuff. I can just go poke around with the code and see what breaks and what doesn't. I should now have an RSS feed available though! Right now I'm just going to have the feed for the 'art' category, but I think Zola is technically generating a feed for every category and tag as well. A longer term goal to figure out is perhaps figuring out how to get the author tags working right. Right now I can change the author that's listed at the end of this page, but I would like to figure out how to make that translate to the RSS feed. This way I can allow additional people to host media on my site under different author names. I'm also not sure how to make Zola generate the date with the time as well. RSS feeds seem more useful when they're not posted at 00:00 every day. Nevermind, turns out you just use a RFC 3339 timestamp instead.

I also figured out how to make images embed in the categories section properly. It was some weirdness with how I was writing the paths down in the source code. It's simpler than I realized because I just need to specify the path from the root folder, so /categories instead of the weird ../ thing I was doing to go up a directory.

The Knob

Making a subdivision model of a simple knob might not be the best use of my time, but it's something that I enjoy doing for practice. I felt inspired by some knobs I've seen around online and in person, since the game I want to work on developing in the future will have a lot of knobs and switches and sliders.

I think it turned out pretty good though. The texture needs some more work in term of making it look like it's been worn out through heavy use, it'll be good practice for using ArmorPaint.

I also made 2 additional detail levels for the knob, a sort of high poly but still more optimized one, and a super low poly one.

Image showing the wireframe of the medium res knob. Image showing the wireframe of the low res knob.

I think it would be interesting and somewhat funny to have an "insane" quality setting in my game, where it just uses the base subdiv model at 1 levels of subdivision. That would be a total of just about 10,000 triangles for just one knob, compared to the 456 tris of the optimzed model.

The Game

Right now my game is just a dream of mine. I have no real programming experience at all, so this would be a serious crash course in programming shit. I'll probably be using Godot for the game engine, since I am in no state to learn how to program my own graphics stuff right now. But it's something that originated from a dream of mine a couple years ago. A sombre, cold, lonely game about being lost in space in nothing but the shitty little tin can you're floating around in. It's my biggest life goal right now though. I can't say I've had any real big aspirations for what to do with my life besides that, so the idea of this game is a considerable part of what motivates me to keep on going.

I will be posting about it here on my site of course, although it doesn't have a real title besides what I've referred to it as internally.

Wrapping Up

That's it for this post, I'm still getting used to how to use my website, but I'm starting to understand the workflow and the way Zola works. Thanks for checking it out, and feel free to add my site to your RSS reader of choice.