
Foppy Drive CRT (Cohost Post)

2 minute read Published: 2024-09-21

Object Class: Safe ;
Containment Procedures: Undetermined ;
See included message:

rotating view of the foppy drive
rotating view of the floppy disk
Foppy Drive
This anomalous creature appears to be a floppy disk drive that has somehow gained sentience, and the ability to walk. It resembles a fox, and makes mechanical sounds in a way that mimics a fox's natural sounds. Because of this we have taken to calling it the "Foppy Drive." It currently resides within our office, and often takes off with our very important disks. Further research is pending.
See attached media ->

Shipping Container Model

6 minute read Published: 2024-09-17

I don't really know why I seem to only be able to finish projects when they're simple objects like this, but here's a shipping container I made for myself a little while back. Never ended up making a proper post about it. This was one little project that taught me a lot of things.

Banner image showing a row of 3D modeled shipping containers.

Knob Objects: Knobjects

4 minute read Published: 2024-09-10

A couple screenshots of some knobs I made in Blender, discussing ideas about the game I want to develop one day, and some more updates about the site.

Banner image showing the 3 levels of detail I've made for these knobs.